
Heading in the “Right Direction” isn’t always enough to get you where you want to go.  Ask any hamster.

You’re a business owner with commitment and a passion for what you do but your lackluster marketing isn’t helping your business grow.  I can help.


First, by visiting your market to find the answers to 5 critical questions, then equipping you with a master long-term strategy, based on your market position, your competitors and your unleveraged assets.

If you agree with the plan presented you’ll receive on-going copy writing, media buying and consulting services.

How we are paid:

Our income is strictly tied to the growth of your business not the size of your ad budget.  If your annual sales are less than $600,000 you’ll pay an upfront fee of $3,000 followed by a small monthly fee adjusted annually by the amount your business grows.

If we grow your business by 10 percent in one year, we get a 10 percent raise in our monthly salary the following year. If we double your business, you double our salary.  Each year is benchmarked against the previous year and you can dismiss us at the end of any annual agreement.

If you’re walking the walk and need someone help provide focus to your marketing let’s talk.   Contact me.